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Apeiron with lecture at the 1st Stable Carbene Symposium in Toulouse on the November 30th


We are pleased to announce that our CTO Krzysztof Skowerski will represent Apeiron with lecture on Stable Carbene Symposium, which will take place on the November 30th, 2018 in Toulouse, France at the University Paul Sabatier (Auditorium Marthe Condat). This event is organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the stable carbenes discovery.

Prolongly regarded as chemical curiosities since they defy the octet rule, carbenes have become common functional groups. Due to their unique properties and broad range of possible applications in homogeneous catalysis, both as organocatalysts and as ligands for transition metals they are considered as one of the most valuable tools in organic, inorganic and organometallic chemistry. They are also increasingly applicable in medicinal chemistry and material science.

This symposium is aiming to gather chemists working on or interested in stable carbenes, and to promote exchange on the developments in carbene chemistry and share researchers latest results. Symposium agenda will consist of nine lectures given by prominent invited speakers. We are proud that Krzysztof Skowerski is also included in this list of the experts of the field.