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ROMP Catalysts


Apeiron has developed a wide portfolio of latent catalysts dedicated to Ring Opening Metathesis Polymetization (ROMP) reaction. Depending on the activation mode, the catalysts can be divided into three groups:

  • thermally activated catalysts such as HeatMet
  • acid activated catalysts such as PolCat
  • catalysts activated with metal complexes such as UltraLatMet
ROMP Catalysts



Leveraging our broad product portfolio and years of experience, we create sophisticated catalytic systems comprising catalysts, activators and/or retardants. Fine tuning of formulation composition allows for precise manipulation of its key properties.

  • Formulations containing our catalytic systems are characterized by a long shelf life of up to 6 months and highly controllable activity.

  • Gelation times range from few seconds to several days at room temperature.

Our formulations are compatible with many different fillers (glass fiber, carbon fiber, graphite, ceramics, mineral flame retardants) which enables preparation of composite materials with many desired  properties: increased mechanical strength, high thermal conductivity, improved electrical and/or fire resistance.

We are also open for collaborative projects and have all the know-how to develop novel formulations  that will suit your needs.

Do you need a tailor-made formulation? Contact Us.