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Visit us at Specialty & Custom Chemicals America in Fort Worth, Texas!


From February 11-14, 2019 senior technical representatives of Apeiron Synthesis – Anna Gawin and Andrzej Tracz will be present at the premiere edition of Specialty & Custom Chemicals America trade fair which will take place in the charming and captivating with its Western heritage City of Cowboys and Culture, Fort Worth, located in the center of the Texas State.

This event will focus on the products and technologies that find applications across a various range of specialty and custom chemical end-uses including: agriculture and crop protection, pharmaceuticals, flavors and fragrances, plastics and composites, polymers, monomers, cosmetics, detergents, adhesives, sealants, resins, fuels, biofuels and lubricants, as well as mining and mineral processing.

Trade shows exhibitors and attendees will have opportunities to gain new contacts and to build business relationships with existing and new partners on the new point on the map of events associating together specialists of the chemical industry.

We cordially invite you to visit our exhibit space No. 711 where our staff will be happy to provide you with detailed information about products and services offered by Apeiron Synthesis.